Names of Families in Images of York County Wills, Estates, Land Warrants
York County was first established in 1785 and was part of Camden District. From 1791 to 1800, it was part of Pinckney District, but it became a separate district at the dissolution of Pinckney in 1800. In 1897, part of the county was divided to become Cherokee County. It was named for York County, Pennsylvania. This region is known for the Catawba Indians and the famous Battle of Kings Mountain. The Catawbas signed a treaty with the English in 1763, relinquishing their rights to lands and thus ultimately reducing the size of their reservation. This treaty opened up the area to Scots-Irish pioneers who were removing down from Pennsylvania. During the American Revolution, the battle of Williamson’s Plantation was fought on July 12, 1780, and the battle of Kings Mountain on October 7, 1780. The famous mountain victory helped to turn the tide of events for the Americans. Early settlers: John Martin, Colonel William Bratton (1742-1815), Nathaniel Henderson, Walter Thompson, William Edmondson, Elijah Browne, Samuel Watson, John Moffett, Joseph Turnbull.

- York County Land Warrants 1807-1816
Transcripts of York County Wills 1818 to 1839 available to Members of South Carolina Pioneers
Adams, Francis |Adams, Margaret |Alexander, Hester |Alexander, Herman |Allison, Albert |Allison, Robert |Anderson, Ann |Ardry, William |Armstrong, Arthur |Armstrong, James |Armstrong, Mary |Armstrong, Robert |Barnes, John |Barnhill, John |Barnett, Thomas (2) |Barnette, Richard |Barron, John |Barron, Thomas |Barry, Jane |Barry, John Sr. |Barry, Roger |Barry, Samuel |Bartlett, Daniel |Bates, John |Bates, Robert |Baxter, Mary |Baxter, William |Beamgarde, Godfrey |Beard, Jane |Benson, Jacob |Bigger, Moses |Bigger, William |Black, John |Black, Robert |Blair, Samuel |Blaylock, Jeremiah |Boggs, Aron |Boyd, Joseph |Boyd, Thomas Sr. |Bozewell, Robert |Bradley, Ellfyday |Bradley, Samuel |Bratton, Martha |Bridges, Thomas |Brown, Joseph |Brown, Robert |Brumfield, Elizabeth |Bryan, James |Buchanan, Samuel |Camp, William |Campbell, Elizabeth |Carroll, John |Carroll, Joseph |Carroll, Thomas (2) |Carruth, John |Chambers, Elizabeth |Chambers, John |Chambers, Samuel |Chambers, William |Champion, William |Cherry, Peter |Choat, William |Clark, John |Clendinen, Thomas |Cooper, Margaret |Craig, James |Craig, Mary |Crawford, Agness |Crawford, James Sr. |Crawford, James |Currence, Rebecka |Curry, Charles |Cushman, Xerxes |Darby, Samuel |Darnal, James |Darwin, John |Davis, Thomas |Davis, William Sr. |Davison, Margaret |Dickson, William |Donally, Martha |Donnally, James |Donnom, Isaac |Dunlap, Susannasah |Dunlap, William |Dunwoody, John |Durhsm, John |Ellis, John |Ellis, Sarah |Enloe, Isaac |Enloe, Mary |Falls, John |Feemster, James |Feemster, John (3) |Ferris, Alexander |Floyd, Andrew |Forbes, John Sr. |Gabbie, Joseph |Gabby, John |Gallagher, Jane |Galloway, Alexander (2) |Galloway, William |Gault, Elizabeth |Gazaway, William Sr. |Gill, Mary |Gillispie, Margaret |Good, Mary |Green, Abraham |Greer, Agnes |Greer, Susanna |Grier, Robert |Grier, Thomas |Gwin, Richard |Hagan, William |Hall, William |Hambright, Frederick |Hambright, Patrick |Hamilton, Patrick |Hamilton, William |Hanna, Archibald |Hanna, Sarah |Hannah, Rosanah |Harper, Matthew Sr. |Hart, Priscilla |Harris, James |Harris, Mary |Harris, Nathaniel |Harris, Prudence |Harris, Robert |Harrison, Henry |Hart, John |Hemingway, William |Hemphill, Mary |Hemphill, Ssmuel |Henderson, John |Henderson, Nathaniel |Henry, Alexander |Henry, William Sr. |Hill, Solomon |Hoff, Powel |Hogg, James |Hogg, Thomas |Hogge, John |Holdrage, Hannah |Holt, Akillas |Hood, George |Houser, Henry |Houser, John |Howie, Robert |Hutchison, Samuel |Jackson, David |Jackson, John |Jackson, Joseph |Jenkins, Benjamin |Johnston, David |Johnston, John |Johnston, Sarah |Kimbrel, Nancy |Kindrick, William |King, John |Kuykendall, Jonathan |Latham, Janes |Laurance, Joseph |Leatham, Mary |Lipscomb, Wyatt |Little, William |Love, Alexander |Love, Robert (2) |Love, William |Lowry, Samuel |Lusk, Elizabeth |Lusk, Jame |Mannon, Massey |Marley, Jamieson |Martin, Michal |Mason, James |McCall, Guzzell |McCarter, Christopher |McCarter, James |McCarter, Sarah |McCarter, Walter |McCaw, John |McCaw, John Sr. |McConnel, John Sr. |McCreight, Robert |McDaniel, Thomas |McElwain, John |John McFarlin |McGuown, William |McKenzie, Joseph Sr. |McLean, William |McLenahan, Finney |McMackin, Thomas |McMeans, James |McNeel, Mary |McSwain, George |Meacham, Bartlett |Miller, Abraham |Miller, Elvy |Miller, Hughey |Miller, John |Miller, Joseph (2) |Miller, Samuel |Minter, John |Moore, Gordon |Moore, John |Moore, John Sr. |Moore, Nathan |Moore, Ruth |Moore, Samuel |Moore, William Sr. |Muldoon, John |Mullin, Unity |Neely, David |Neely, Jean |Neely, Jonathan |Neely, Samuel |Neely, William |Nesbitt, Francis |Orr, John |Packard, Zedic |Pair, Mial |Patrick, William |Patrick, Robert |Patterson, Andrew |Patterson, Robert |Peters, James |Peters, John |Peters, Martha |Pettus, George |Pettus, John |Pettus, William |Polk, John |Polk, William |Porter, Samuel |Pursley, James |Pursley, Robert |Quinn, Thomas |Rainey, William |Ramsey, John |Rea, Sarah |Reeves, Cynthia |Riddle, George |Roberts, Andrew |Roberts, Jesse |Roberts, James |Roberts, John |Robertson, John |Robinson, Mary |Robinson, William |Robison, William |Rogers, Isaac |Ross, George |Ross, James |Rowell, William |Sadler, Elizabeth |Sadler, Jane |Sadler, Jane (2) |Sadler, Richard |Sandifer, Elizabeth |Sandefur, Philip |Smith, James |Scott, Elizabeth |Sherer, Thomas |Simeril, James |Simmoons, Daniel |Smith, Henry |Smith, James |Smith, John |Smith Lillis |Smith, William Sr. |Smith, Winefred |Springs, Richard |Stanton, William |Steedman, Michael |Steel, William |Steele, Mary |Stevenson, William |Stuart, Archibald |Suggs, Laban |Swann, Ann |Swann, John |Swann, Mary |Tate, James |Thomasson, Nathaniel |Thompson, Alexander |Thompson, John |Thompson, Thomas |Thomson, William |Tilghman, Joshua |Turner, Robert |Turner, Thomas (2) |Vennable, James |Vennable, William |Waddel, David |Walker, Hugh |Wallis, Martha |Webb, Eleanor |Wells, Hugh |White, Hugh |Whitesides, Hugh |Wilkins, Smith |Williams, Charles |Wilson, Thomas |Workman, John |Wood, Aaron |Wylie, Nancy
Matthew Dickson from Ireland
Matthew Dickson emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania ca 1750. He was born in county Dungannon, Tyrone, Ireland, the subject of this photograph. Tradition has it that he was related to the famous Stuarts who finally lost the crown to England. The typical trail from Northern Ireland was into Pennsylvania, and then into the Carolinas and Western Virginia. The Irish sought the settlements of other kinsman. He waited until he was in York County, South Carolina before marrying. Schultz of Hamburg; Settlers from Maryland

The Origins of York County People
York County was settled by a good number of Scotch-Irish and Germans coming out of Pennsylvania. In the instance of David Howe Sr. who was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania but removed to York County with his father in 1772. Two years after the Revolutionary War began he enlisted in a Company of Dragoons commanded by Captain Hawthorn and Colonel Sumter. He was in the battle of Brier Creek on March 3, 1779 which occurred near the confluence of Brier reek and the Savannah River. Mostly militia from North Carolina and Georgia fought in this battle, being surprised by the red coats. It was a disappointment because the patriots had recently had a victory over the British during the Battle of Kettle Creek. Thereafter, he re-enlisted in the South Carolina Militia in 1779 under Colonel Sumter. During June or July of 1779 he was on the Catawba River at Biggers Ferry; then went to Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock, ultimately fighting at the Battle of Kings Mountain October 7, 1780. After the war he returned home to York County, later removing to Kentucky. Source: Revolutionary War Pension of David Howe Sr.
Captain Christian Huck Looted the Bratton House
The home of Colonel William Bratton, a local militia commander in the Revolutionary War, was built during the 1770s. On July 11 of 1780, Tory forces serving under Captain Christian Huck looted the Bratton house and threatened his wife. The Loyalist, encamped about a mile from the Bratton house, at the James Williamson plantation, was awakened at daybreak by Patriot troops whose commanders included Colonel Bratton. Captain Huck was killed during the battle.