
Names of Families in Richland County South Carolina Wills

Richland County was formed in 1785 as part of Camden District. In 1791, a small portion of it went to Kershaw County. The county seat is Columbia, which is also the state capital. In 1786, the state legislature moved the capital from Charleston to a more central location. A site was chosen in Richland County, which is in the state’s geographic center, and a new town was laid out. During the War Between the States, General William T. Sherman captured Columbia and burned the town and parts of the county on February 17, 1865. Early Settlers: Richard Adams, Casper Coon, John Belton, Benjamin Everitt, John Dodd, Christian Kinslery, Samuel Jackson, William Partridge, Mathias Libecap, and others.

Richland County Records Available to Members of South Carolina Pioneers

Indexes to Probate Records

  • Will Book 1787-1853
  • Will Book C (1787 to 1805)
  • Will Book G (1806 to 1823)
  • Will Book H (1823 to 1834)
  • Will Book K (1834 to 1839)
  • Will Book L, Part 1(1840 to 1858)
  • Will Book L, Part 2 (1854 to 1864)

Land Records

  • 1785-1868, miscellaneous

Loyalists during the Revolutionary War

  • Dutch Fork 1779-1782

Early Emigrants

  • Minutes of the Council, Dutch Fork 1735-1752
  • Settlers to Dutch Fork, a List 1738-1763

Transcripts of Richland County Wills (1787 to 1796)

Names are listed here: Adams, Richard; Allison, Andrew; Belton, John; Blanchard, Benjamin; Braswell, Hannah; Coon, Casper; Coosmaul, Henry; Daniel, Richard; Dodd, John; Duncan, Mathew; Everitt, Benjamin; Faust, John Henry; Gill, John; Haswell, Robert; Heath, Ethel; Hill, Robert; Hollis, Edward; House, Thomas; Howell, Arthur; Howell, Thomas;] Huggins, William; Jackson, Samuel; Kinsler, Christian; Libecap, Mathias; Mack, Conrod; McKinstra, John; McLemore, Joel; Miers, John; Partridge, William; Pembleton, John; Reese, Joseph; Ross, James; Rowan, Samuel; Shirling, James; Sledde, Seten W.; Taylor, Mary; Westcott, David; Westcott, Ebenezer; Whitaker, William Jr.; Whitaker, William Sr.; Wimberly, Mary.

Transcripts of Richland County Wills, Bk C (incomplete)

Curry, Jane; Faust, Jacob; Hay, William; Hinson, William; Hunt, James Green; Kelly, Alexander; Kinsler, Daniel; Rives, Herbert; Rives, Robert; Salisbury, Pettigrew; Strange, Henry; Waggoner, Robert

Transcripts of Richland County Wills, Book G, 1806 to 1827

Baker, Jesse;Blain, Joseph;Brown, Mary;Burginer, William;Carey, Ann;Chandler, Jesse;Davis, Mary Ann;Delahunt, Robert;Delezeair, Ann;Donlevy, Francis;Egan, Thomas;Ellis, William;Fitzpatrick, William;Fox, William;Frost, Keziah;Gill, Agnes;Goodwyn,Elizabeth;Goodwyn, Sarah; Guignard, John; Hamiter, Adam Frederick;Harris, Barton;Herron, Samuel; Howell, Lucy;Howell, Malachi;Hutchinson, Thomas; Killingsworth, Jesse;Kinsler, Elizabeth;Legran, Oliver;Livingston, William; Lucas, John;McCawley, James;McClellan, James;McDonald, Alexander; McIlwain, John;Montieth, William;Mulder, Abel;Myer, William; Parker, Lucy;Phelps, Mary;Reese, James;Rivers, William; Romanstine, George;Scott, William;Smith, Edward D.;Smith, George;Smith, Richard;Souter, George;Spigner, Frederick; Stanley, Samuel;Thompson, Mary; Tucker, Wood; Turquand, Catharine;Walshe, John, Dr.;Ward, Henry D.;Watson, Effa; Watts, Thomas; White, Mary Susanna; Wood, Sampson C.

Transcripts of Richland County Wills, Book H, 1823 to 1834

Abbot, John;Adams, Joel Sr.;Barrillon, Christopher;Bell, Benjamin Ficklin;Bolton, Robert;Brevard, Alexander; Brown, John B.;Brown, John D.;Brown, William;Carey, Lemuel; Carter, Gracy;Clifton, Claiborne;Coalter, David;DeChampmanoir, John Louis Raoul;Deleon, Jacob;Diseker, Jacob;Edmunds, Thomas; Fannin, Elizabeth;Faust, Peter;Freeman, Benjamin;Gandy, Uriah; Goudy, Andrew;Green, Robert L.;Hall, Ainsley;Hall, James; Harris, Elizabeth;Heath, Thomas Jr.;Higgins, Benjamin;Hinton, Micajah;Hopkins, John;Howell, Mary, widow of Robert;Huggins, Samuel;Jamison, David;Jones, Matthew;Kinsler, Herman;Leadingham, William;Lightner, George;Martin, Francis;Martin, Joseph Sr.; Martin, William;McDowell, Alexander;McLaughlin, John;Moody, Joseph;Neal, Benjamin;Nutting, Mary;Oliver, Mary Ann;Partridge, John;Pearse, John;Polock, David;Pullig, Anthony;Purvis, William; Raynal, Mary Martha;Scott, Samuel;Seay, John;Sistrunk, Jasper; Spelling, William;Stark, Robert;Sturgeon, William Sr.;Taylor, Thomas Sr.Taylor, William;Tidwell, O. G.;Tucker, Joel A.; Turnipseed, John;Tyson, Mason;Wade, Georgia;Ward, Henry Dana; Watkins, Samuel;Weston, Robert Jr.;Whitecotton, Axton; Williams, Ely;Williamson, Chestian;Woodward, Mary;Wootan, Mark

Transcripts of Richland County Wills, Book H, 1834 to 1839

Adams, Harry;Adams, Margaret;Boyle, Cunningham; Brizna, Elizabeth;Bynum, Drury;Carroll, William;Chapman, Gersham;Chappell, Hicks;Clifton, Mary;Cline, Henry;Cooper, Thomas;Davis, James, Dr.;Dubard, William;Duggins, William; Farrow, Daniel;Faust, Daniel;Faust, Jane;Fisher, Edward;Fleming, Mary;Green, Samuel;Harrison, Benjamin;Herbemont, Caroline; Herbemont, Nicholas;Holliday, Mary;Hollis, John;Hopkins, David; Howell, Grace;Howell, Jesse Malachi;Hugg, Stephen;Hughes, John; Levy, Samuel;Marshall, Martin;McGuire, Peter;McLemore, John; McMillan, William;Munson, Maria;Myers, David;Myers, William; Nixon, Stephen Sr.;Parr, John;Patterson, Samuel;Raoul, Caroline; Reese, Timothy;Thompson, Gracy G.;Threewits, Joel; Turnipseed, George; Walsh, Thomas;Yates, Robert;Young, James;Zanony, John

Transcripts of Richland County Wills 1840 to 1858

Adams, Anna; Adams, James;Adams, Joel Belton; Adams, Robert;Adams, Robert J.; Adams, Sarah; Adams, Sarah H.; Arthur, Benjamin; Arthur, Rebecca; Bailey, Samuel; Beard, William; Black, Margaret; Bougle, Sarah; Bowers, Charlotte; Bryce, John; Bryce, Peter; Bynum, William; Caldwell, Davis; Carner, Sarah; Chanlon, John; Davis, James; Davis, Mary; Dial, James; Dubard, Katharine; Edgar, Adam; Ellison, Joseph; Ellison, Margaret; Entzminger, Peter; Faust, Jasper; Fitzsimons, Catherine; Forshaw, William; Gibson, Sarah; Girardin, Margaret; Graddick, John; Gray, Peter; Green, Henry C.; Green, Selina; Harris, Philip; Hart, Benjamin; Hayes, Lavinia; Heath, Thomas; Henry, James; Higgins, William; Hodge, Nancy; Hogan, Rosannah; Hood, Frederic; Hopkins, Amy; Hopkins, James; Hopkins, Sarah; Howell, Harriet; Howell, Martha; Howell, Matthew R.; Jones, Mathew; Kennedy, John; Kirk, Susannah; Latts, Robert; Law, William; Lightner, Jacob; Lipman, Mary; Lott, John; Lowe, Pleasant; Lykes, Frederick Sr.; Lyons, Isaac; Malone, Mary; Marks, Frances; Marshall, John; Martin, Mary; Marshall, Sarah; Maxwell, Janet; McCormick, Samuel; McCormick, William; McDonald, William; McLauchlin, B. L.; Medlin, Joel Jr.; Medlin, Robert; Morris, Mary; Morrison, Mary; Munson, Robert; Nelson, Joseph; Nerts, Mary; Neville, Clement; Nipper, Temperance; Parr, Mary; Patterson, James; Pemberton, Alton; Player, Sarah; Porcher, Augustus; Prescott, Jesse; Purvis, Mary; Quilter, Timothy; Reese, John; Reese, Sarah; Roberts, Philip; Romanstine, John; Rogers, O. B.; Rowan, James; Rowan, Robert; Sharp, John C.; Singleton, Matthew; Smiley, Dorothy; Smiley, William; Snowden, Gilbert; Solomon, Phineas; Stack, Elizabeth; Stack, William; Stanton, Joseph; Stark, Grace; Stevens, James; Suling, John; Taylor, Benjamin F.; Taylor, Margaret; Taylor, Mary; Taylor, Sarah, Mrs.; Thompson, Sarah; Trapp, John; Tucker, Sarah; Turnipseed, Nancy; Tyler, Mary; Vinson, Arthur; Wages, Dawson; Wages, Rebecca; Wages, William; Weir, Samuel; Wessinger, Penelope; Wilson, John Dubose; Wilson, Olivine; Woodward, Isom; Young, Mary

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