Pickens County Probate Records
In 1791, the state legislature established the Washington District, an area composed of present-day Greenville, Anderson, Pickens, and Oconee counties. In 1798, Washington District was divided into Greenville and Pendleton Districts. Pendleton District was formed of what later became Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens. Due to the growing population and poor transportation facilities in the Pendleton District, in 1826, the legislature divided it into a lower part known as Anderson District and an upper part called Pickens District. This land included all of the present-day Counties. Pickens District was named for the American Revolutionary hero, General Andrew Pickens. Originally, the Pickens was located in the center of the district on the western bank of the Keowee River. This location is now called Old Pickens. In 1868, the Pickens District was divided into Oconee and Pickens Counties and the town of Pickens (county seat) was begun.
Transcripts of Pickens County Wills (1828-1863)
Testators: Abbott, John; Ables, John W.;Addis, Samuel;Alexander, Daniel D.;Alexander, Elisha;Alexander, Thomas; Alexander, William;Allgood, Barnett;Anderson, Susan; Anderson, Susannah; Armstrong, Benjamin; Arnold, William Sr.; Baker, Lemuel M.; Baker, Richard; Ballinger, John L.; Barker, James; Barnett, Elijah; Barrett, William; Barton, Caleb; Barton, David; Boatright, William; Boggs, G. W. B.; Bowen, John; Bowen, William; Brewer, James; Brown, Lewis; Burdine, Tally; Cane, William; Capehart, Leonard; Carne, Thomas William; Carne, William; Cassell, John; Clayton, John; Cleveland, Benjamin; Cleveland, Eli; Cobb, John; Cooper, Sion; Craig, John; Davis, Eli; Davis, Joseph; Davis, Sarah; Day, William; Dendy, James H.; Dickson, William; Dodd, William Sr.; Drummons, James; Duff, Mary; Durham, Charles; Earle, Samuel; Ellis, Gideon Sr.; Evatt, Hundley; Ferguson, Andrew; Ferguson, Elisha; Ferguson, Nancy; Field, John Sr.; Fitzgerald, Ambrose; Fleming, John L.; Foster, Robert S. C.; Freeman, Benton; Freeman, David; Gaines, Henry; Gaines, James; Gaines, Richard; Garner, Nancy; Gassaway, Thomas; Gibson, Zachariah; Gilliland, John; Gordon, Nathaniel; Grant, James; Grant, William; Grisham, Elizabeth; Grisham, John; Guyton, Jacob; Hall, Hugh; Hall, Jesse; Hallum, Richard; Hallum, Thomas; Hamilton, David; Hamilton, Jane; Hanes, John; Hambree, Edward; Hanes, John; Harbin, Thomas W.; Hardin, Robert Carrol; Hays, Solomon;Hendricks, Larkin Sr.; Hendricks, Moses; Hester, Alfred; Hill, George; Holland, D. T.; Hughes, Henry R.; Humphreys, Catherine; Humphreys, David; Humphrey, David; Hunt, H. C.; Isbell, Pendleton; Isbell, Sidney; Ivester, Hugh; Jenkins, Andrew; Jolly, William; Jones, Jabez; Jones, J. F.; Keith, John; Keith, Waren Davis; Keith, William L.; Kilpatrick, John C.; Kilpatrick, John C. Jr.; Kirksey, Silas; Land, Isaac; Lanier, Bird; Lawrence, Joseph N.; Lawrence, Rachel; Lay, Charles; Lay, John; Lewis, Jacob; Lewis, Jesse P.; Lewis, Lindamira; Lidai, John; Liddell, George Washington; Lively, Thomas Sr.; London, J. P.;Malear, Robert; Mansell, Joshua; Maret, John; Maret, Stephen; Mauldin, Jane;Maxwell, Robert; Mayfield, Tempy; McAdams, James Sr.; McDonald, Henry; McWhorter, Jeremiah; McWhorter, John; McWhorter, O.; Messer, Samuel; Miller, Elisha; Miller, Isaac; Miller, John C.; Miller, Robert L.; Moody, Daniel; Moody, Martin; Moore, Burt; Morgan, Morgan; Morris, Robert; Moss, Frederick; Mullinnex, William G.; Murphree, Levi; Murphree, Moses; Murphree, William;Neal, John; Neel, John; Nevill, Jesse; Nicholson, Hannah; Niebuhr, J. P.; Niebuhr, Rebecca; Norton, Jeptha H.; Osbendorff, John;Parsons, James; Pee, Richard;Perritt, Burrell;Perry, Benjamin;Perry, E. M.;Petty, Ambrose;Phillips, Levi;Pickens, Eliza;Porter, Mary; Pugh, David;Reeder, A. P.;Reeder, Elizabeth; Reeder, Thomas Milton; Reid, Joseph; Rice, Isaac; Richardson, Noel; Robinson, Allen; Robinson, Jeremiah; Robinson, Samuel; Robinson, William; Robinson, William W.; Rogers, Felix; Rogers, James; Roper, Gideon; Roper, Joshua; Russell, David; Russell, Edy; Sanders, James; Sanders, William; Shell, Henry; Simpson, William; Smith, Benjamin; Smith, Job;Smith, Jobe; Southerland, James; Steele, Esther; Stephens, Daniel; Stribling, Jesse; Suggs, Jesse Sr.; Swafford, John; Terrell, Aaron; Thomas, Bryant; Trammel, Thomas;Trotter, Henry; Trotter, James; Verner, John; Visage, Thomas; White, Alexander; Whitmire, Henry; Williams, Joseph; Williams, William; Winchester, Willoughby; Wood, Joseph; Young, Stephen; Yow, Demcy
The Old Wagon Road from Pennsylvania
Many Scotch-Irish immigrants who settled in Pickens County came from York County, Pennsylvania, and were caught up in the Revolutionary War. Job Smith volunteered as a private in the regiment of Captain Benjamin Few and Colonel Leonard Marbury. He was at the siege of Savannah before going to Powell’s Fort to serve under Captain Nathan Smith to guard frontiers against Indians. Then, it was at the fall of Charleston under Captain John Johnston and at the siege of August and Ninety-Six. In all, he served five years.
Clements Family History