A fictional story by Jeannette Holland Austin

Emmett, Josh, Giles.

Evan Schwartz wasted no time running towards the barn and throwing open the double doors.
“The British soldiers are coming for you,” he shouted. “I just left them inside the tavern–they could come any moment.”
The older soldier, Emmett, stirring the beer in a large container, glanced up. “What is that you say, sir?”
“The British know that you are here!”
“What shall we do?” Giles asked.
“It is time to find our regiments,” Emmett declared confidently.
“But how can we find them?”Josh asked.
“I heard that a regiment was forming in Orangeburg,” Emmett said.
“Yes,” Josh agreed. “We must find our armies!”
While the three prisoners gathered their belongings, Evan saddled his three fine horses in the stables. “I do not think we can ever return your horses, sir. Are you certain that you can spare them?” Josh asked.
“Fetch me the rifle over the mantle,” Evan said to his wife. She ran inside and grabbed the rifle and a handkerchief full of biscuits.
Evan followed behind the horses on foot to watch for British soldiers as the party departed.
“Why did you give them our three best horses and only rifle?” Dora asked.
“Because they are our only hope against the British. Would I send them into battle without ammunition?”

to be continued


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